
Friday, August 30, 2013

Week two was a hot one but lots of productive time!  We were treated with popsicles and ice cream to help keep us cool.

Students are doing a great job of adjusting to classroom expectations and routines.  Next week we will pick up the pace. Spelling words will be in our folders on the first day of the week and the test is given the last day of the week.  These words need to be practiced at home.

Please take advantage of reviewing lesson plans on the blog for daily lessons. Remember these plans are a guide and the pace of the week is dictated by the understanding of the students and unexpected interruptions. 

State reports:  Students have been talking about state reports.  I am very excited to hear that they have started their research.  Students will save information on their thumb drives and as we work through expectations begin to piece their project together.  Tri-fold boards will be provided at school. I will not expect students to cite resources.  This will happen next year.

We made models of cells this week and enjoyed our water painting project.  No school on Monday so the activity will begin again on Sept. 3rd!

Please save salt containers when you empty them.  We will need them for an art project in October. Box Tops can be sent to school any time too!!!


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Time for me to get into the swing of the blog!
    My lesson plans are linked to the right of our updates.  I try to post on Fridays and put any updates here when I can.  Please feel free to call if you have any questions. 458-2892 ext105.  Spelling units and Health lessons will be completed at school.  We will learn to prioritize our workload and manage time to complete all projects.  If your child seems to have excessive homework, we need to talk about strategies to help reduce any frustration.
     Please contact the school to get Powerschool username and password for your child.  You may choose to have your child's grades emailed to you each week.  The secretaries are more than willing to help you through this process.  Your child was also given a username and password to access their online Social Studies book.  I am hoping this will reduce the number of books that need to be carried home.
    Keep an eye on the school announcements as it will update you on all school activities.  The blog will keep you up to date on classroom activities.
     Students have been given their state report packets.  These are not due until the beginning of October.  Some of the work will be completed at school.  Research and planning will be done as homework.  Students were asked to pick their states this week and I am excited to say that work has begun!
    We have had a warm start to our school year but I am very pleased with the production of the students!  We are completing our second week already.  This school year is on a fast pace!

Monday, August 19, 2013

What an amazing first day of school!  I am very impressed with this group of students.  They were asked to set goals depending on the objects in their bag.  Creative and insightful goals were set.
Here is a sneak peak of our goal setting.