
Friday, March 22, 2013


5th graders are still reading! 16,000 pages so far!!!!!!

Guest Readers Cameron and Jace

We will have 4 days to complete our goals for the month.  We have earned our pizza party and movie!  Some students continue to work on their individual goals.  We are barely staying ahead of the fourth graders.  They are really pushing us with the challenge!
Dress up days for this week are Monday: Dress as your favorite character. Tues: Silly Sock Day Wed.: Beach Day Thurs: Orange Day
Parent/Teacher's Conferences
We will be holding conferences on March 26, from 3:30 to 6:30.  The elementary is once again setting up appointments.  Please call and let me know what time we can set up your appointment.  If another time is more convenient, I will accommodate that.  I know there has been a wrestling tournament moved to the 26th.
We will have a Social Studies test on Wednesday.  Students are learning about the Constitution and the development of our government. 
We will not have a spelling test this week.  Students will not have new words but we will do our spelling unit.  We will be very busy right up to the Easter Break.  Remember there is no school on Friday.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

If you swing by the 5th grade room, this is what you will see!!!!!  It is amazing how hard these kids are working towards a common goal.  Reading month began and the challenge from the 4th graders has us reading more books than you can imagine!  The students have read over 4,000 pages already!  I can't begin to tell you how proud of these kids I am!  I challenged them to an average of 300 pages per student in March as a class goal.  In order to be part of the pizza/movie day, you had to read at least 150 pages.  The class is very close to the pizza and a movie but some have their individual goal to reach.  It is amazing to listen to them encourage each other.  Yeah Fifth Grade!!!!!!

Friday, March 1, 2013

    Ty Buchholz is our 5th grade spelling champion!  Ty represented our class in the McIntosh County Spelling Bee.  We are very proud of him and his effort.
     March Madness has begun!  The students have calendars at home to keep track of minutes and book reports will track their pages.  We started Reading month with a "Roam and Read" activity today.  The Reading Month calendar lists all the activities for each day.  Monday is twin day, Tuesday is Red Day, Wednesday, we can wear our clothes inside out, Thursday is Mustang Day and finally on Friday we can rest because there is no school. 

     Wednesday, Green Iron is sponsoring a "Bully Prevention" speaker.  We will be involved with this program in the morning and will be dismissed from school at 2:15.  Parents have the opportunity to learn more about the issue of bullying at 7.  The presentation will be held in the gym. Please try to take advantage of the presentation.  It will benefit everyone!

     The 5th graders have been invited to the 4th grade Recorder Recital in the band room on March 7th at 2:35.
    Lots of kids with headaches and sore throats!  Get rest and lots of liquids.  We are washing desks during the day to get rid of unwanted bugs but eating right and resting will also help.

   Have a great weekend!