
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Ready for the "end of the year" ride!  Temps are hopefully going up but so has the energy levels.  Students are looking to summer and focus on school work is getting harder and harder.  Our "normal" is now gone!  Our schedule will have lots of interruptions.  Here is a tentative schedule of what will happen until we are dismissed for the summer.

April 22 - 8:35 -Lyceum
April 24 - 26 - Mrs. Christensen will be gone for her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Woehl and Mrs Goebel will carry on the daily schedule.  Test in Social Studies on Wednesday.  Check the lesson plan for what is expected.
April 29 - Strength Team lyceum
April 30 - Coal Mine fieldtrip
May 1 - NWEA Testing
May 2 - Elementary Music concert
May 3 - Ag Day
May 7 - NWEA Testing
May 8 - Elementary Track Day
May 9 - Bike Safety
May 10 - Elementary Carnival
May 13 - Gateway to Science/State Library fieldtrip
May 14 - Kindergarten Program
May 16 - 5th and 6th grade picnic
May 17 - Last Day of School

Please contact me if you would like to chaperone for us during the fieldtrips.  I do drive the bus so the extra supervision is needed.

We will be taking end-of-the-year  skill tests during this time too. 

Our last month will go by very quickly!  I will try to post any changes or additions as they happen.

Friday, April 5, 2013

With Summer coming soon, John and Andy stopped in to talk to us this week about home alone safety!  We also talked about what to do in case of an emergency.  The students learned about the equipment used and when is it proper to call 9-1-1.


Tom Gibson from the McIntosh Soil Conservation District did a presentation for the 4th, 5th and 6th graders.  He played a game show with us!  It was fun learning about conservation and respect for our natural resources.
Brace ourselves for another busy week!  On Monday, we will have the county nurse talk to us about puberty.  Although we have covered the topic earlier in the year, it will be good review and the nurse may be able to answer more of our questions.
Our trip to the ambulance was interrupted therefore we will try to get it rescheduled this week.
State and Capital tests have been a challenge.  Encourage your child to practice with flash cards or work with  
Thank you parents for sending graham crackers this year.  We ate our last ones today.  If you have not sent crackers this year and are willing to share........... we are ready!

Monday, April 1, 2013

     Another busy week in store for us!  We need another chance at the Social Studies test.  Mrs. Christensen made us all take our books home for the weekend.  Chapter 8 test will be taken again and the best of the two scores will be recorded.  It was a very hectic week and focus was a little off......
     I am not sure that the rest of our weeks will be any less busy.  Students will have to work hard to stay on task and keep grades up. We will have John and Andy, our local law enforcement, talk to the class on Wednesday.  Our health class has been covering the concept of staying safe.  Students will be off for the summer soon and safety is important. The men will come in and help students understand the expectations of laws and how to handle emergencies.

     Thursday will be our day at the ambulance garage.  We will have another opportunity to have first hand experience with understanding safety procedures. 

      On to Friday! Tom Gibson from the McIntosh County Soil Conservation will speak to us.  He is always enjoyable with a good message.  Finishing out our Friday will be our pizza party.  After reading 22,000 pages, I think the students deserve it.  We gave the 4th graders quite the competition but both classes deserve the extra prize for their effort. 

      We will not have a new spelling unit this week.  I plan to do a unit assessment and focus on summary skills.  Our new unit will begin on the 8th when we have a full week of school.

      Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter break!